grade 1-4

Grade 1-4

Here are the top recommended resources by Pastor Kara (Associate Pastor of Children's Ministries). In addition to all of these great resources be sure to check out the Summit Kid's page for great new weekly content, in person, online and on demand.


There are lots of great Bibles for this age group but these are some of Pastor Kara's favourites.

The Brick Bible

The Action Bible


RightNow Media is a great resource for Christians Families, in addition to resources for parents they have great resources for kids.

What's In the Bible

 Micah's Super Vlog 

This is by fare Pastor Kara's most recommended television series. Encourage your kiddos to learn all about the Bible through fun interactive messages and easily explained content for all ages. 
Join Micah as he dives into Biblical concepts and discovers how the Bible applies to his everyday life.


There are some great podcasts that you can find for your kids. Be sure to find them wherever you listen to your podcasts.

God's Big Story

Adventures in Odyessy